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Silver Bullet Contact Database

CAI/SISCo's Silver Bullet Contact Database (SBCD) is a soft copy resource of over 75,000 IT, C&E and S&T community business development decision makers in industry and government. It is, unequivocally, the best and most economical way for business developers to contact or reach key players within the government IT, aerospace, military, intelligence and other communities. The database is maintained day-in, day-out by CAI/SISCo's infocentric staffers. Our SBCD service can provide targeted database contact subsets that relate to companies, agencies, opportunities, job title, geography and other criteria.
SBCD can be used to power e-mail campaigns, build corporate contact databases, or populate personal contact managers.
The database provides names, job titles, salutations, company or agency names, company status (e.g., small, SDB, 8(a), Hub Zone, woman owned, service disabled veteran owned), street addresses, fixed and mobile telephone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail and web addresses. The SBCD can be delivered in your format of choice and a daily refresh is available online for subscribers to download.
As already stated, SBCD is a by-product of CAI/SISCo's infoCentric culture, which ensures that the latest additions and updates are always reflected. At an annual subscription price of $1,995 per subscriber, SBCD is a real time-saving and utilitarian bargain. The subscription price includes unlimited downloads to allow subscribers to maintain their databases using CAI/SISCo's latest information.
To request more information about the SBCD product, please e-mail Ton Constable or call her at (301) 807-8171. Major credit cards are cheerfully accepted.
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